I saw a bumper sticker recently that stated, "I play the harmonica, what's your superpower?" Strangely enough, it got me thinking. I began to ask myself what makes me different from all the other therapists out there? This simple question started to feel really large as I sat down to write about it and I felt the familiar feeling of fear rise up in my body as I prepared to make myself vulnerable and to tell you a little about myself.
If for no other reason, I'm different from other therapists because I'm me! Doesn't that sound cliché? And yet, it's soo true! I have my own energy, presence and truth that I strive to live each day of my life. This is different from yours and every other human on the planet.
I'm different because my approach to therapy starts with something called unconditional positive regard. More simply said, I'm open-minded, accepting of all viewpoints and beliefs and strive to create a calm, safe place for clients to explore their own vulnerabilities and to challenge their own beliefs. I'm a heart centered therapist that weaves a combination of holistic and complementary resources into my work while honoring the transformative power of some of the traditional therapy tools that are out there. I love to dig deeper. I find myself truly passionate about doing deep, transformative work with my clients. I find it so fulfilling when clients hear that "click" of change in their minds and come back to my office celebrating their successes. But, I digress....
I bring my own background to the work that I do. I've been fortunate enough to have lived as many years as I have with a supportive family and network of friends at my back. However, even I've had to find my way through life, challenging at times my beliefs and the norms that I grew up in socially and culturally. I'm not a conventional thinker with conventional approaches to what I do. I've explored the healing benefits of Reiki, Meditation, Yoga, Hypnotherapy and Energy work in my own life. These experiences have helped shape my intuitive and heart centered approach to therapy and my own life.
So, what's my superpower? Me! I'm imperfect but I embrace those imperfections. I don’t let them stop me from living my truth!
We all have our own Kryptonite and I'm here to help you overcome yours!